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iOS app
64 articles
Design Battle (iOS)
Design Generator (iOS)
Scan Your Room (iOS)
AR Try on tool (iOS)
Documents tool (iOS)
AR with Planner 5D (iOS)
Smart Wizard (iOS)
Wallpaper Try On tool (iOS)
Unlocking Premium Perks on a Free Plan (iOS)
Empower Your Design Journey with Collaboration (iOS)
AI Designer: Furnish or Style your room with our AI Designer feature (iOS)
How to use colour palette (iOS)
Starting From Scratch (iOS)
Adding a Roof (iOS)
Adding a Room (iOS)
Catalogue Menu (iOS)
Edit Objects (iOS)
Changing Dimensions (iOS)
Adding a Landscape (iOS)
Adding Corners (iOS)
Splitting a Room (iOS)
Adding a Fourth Floor (iOS)
Creating Partition Walls (iOS)
Adjusting Ceiling Height (iOS)
Changing Wall Thickness (iOS)
Deleting a Room (iOS)
Creating a New Floor (iOS)
Measuring the Distance (iOS)
Deleting a Wall (iOS)
Duplicating Objects (iOS)
See Through Walls in 3D (iOS)
Creating a round wall (iOS)
How to avoid levitating objects? (iOS)
How to Delete a Ceiling in the iOS App?
How to Create a Half Wall on iOS?
How to Delete a Project on iOS?
Why Does the Recognition Process Take So Long on iOS?
Guide to Creating Stair Passages in Planner 5D (iOS)
I lost my previous project on iOS
Adjusting Object Heights
How to find completed renders (iOS)
How to slant items on iOS
Deleting part of the wall (iOS)
How to unlock objects in the iOS app?
Digitalising Your Plan (iOS)
Unsplitting the wall (iOS)
How to create an arch on iOS?